The one thing I hate the most is the cravings I get when she is here. I swear I eat like I did when I was pregnant... everything that stay clear from the other 3 weeks of the month, I am like a magnate to during that time. Like tonight, I picked up Applebee's for us... I got what I have been craving all day, boneless chicken wings with sweet BBQ sauce!! It tasted wonderful, but now I feel so bad and keep thinking that I need to go to the gym to try to burn off at least 1/4 of what I just ate :-( Yesterday we had pizza for lunch and I am not going to lie, I ate most of it!! At this rate, I am going to gain 10 pounds over the next week!!! :-o
As soon as she is gone, I am back to normal eating yummy salads and high protein meals... I just do not know how to get through this time not having these crazy cravings, caving into them and then feeling super bad about it after... uggggg