Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Having Children (Facebook/People Rant)

Okay, this is not about anyone specific, just something that annoys me in general...

Has anyone else ever noticed that when you have kids and other people don't, they ignore the fact that you have them... don't ask you about them when you are hanging out, don't comment on your status/pictures on Facebook and when you are at events with family/friends WITH your kids, they have no interest in your child's life or existence... BUT, as soon as THEY get pregnant or have a baby they want EVERYONE to oooo and ahhhh their kid??

That is super annoying!! I understand that most people don't realize what it is like to have a child, until they have one of their own... but it drives me nuts, because my kids are my life and when people don't acknowledge them at all, I just think they are rude.  They shouldn't expect me or anyone else to be all excited over their new baby... this is especially something that I can't stand on Facebook. When friends NEVER comment on my pics and then they have a baby and post a million and a half pictures wanting everyone to be so happy for them... oooopppsss, I am not :-p

I know this sound rude, but they are rude... I would love to be happy for them, but they were never happy for me...

** Sorry this is so negative, but I can't be the only who has thought about this**
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