Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Toddler's Prayer...

Every night we pray together as a family up in the kid's room before they go to bed.  We say the Lord's Prayer and then we let each of the kids choose who they want to pray for that night.  Landon always says the same thing; Dad, Mom, Brock, Sky, all the Grandparents, Auntie Jilean, Uncle Sean and Victoria.

When it comes to my two year old, Brock, he usually just mumbles, Mom, Dad & Landon... until the other night!!

We went through our regular routine and it was Brock's turn.  I said, "Brock, who do you want to pray for tonight?"  Waiting for the regular list, I was completely shocked at what I heard...


I said, "Did you say money?"

"Yeah" he replied

Brady and I looked at each other and were giggling inside!!  So, I went on and asked he who else he wanted to pray for.

 He responded with, "Daddy's Money!"

Whaaaat??  We didn't want to tell him that we don't pray for money, as he is just a little toddler and probably was thinking about the money he had received from his Grandma that day... and we do make an emphases on them saving their money for college almost everyday.  Brady and I got a good laugh out of it because he sounded like a mini-Brady (my husband)!!!

I guess he is truly his Father's child... he loves MONEY and wanted to make sure God knew it ;-)
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